Saturday, March 2, 2013

Creating a Master Suite into a Zen-like Retreat...

As promised... Here's my newspaper article...  As seen in The Salt Lake Tribune!

(For whatever reason there's no link online, and I sent a request to get a digital copy, and have heard nothing since.  Sad!)  It's a full page!!!
Everywhere in your house is overrun with kids, to-dos, clutter, work, piles, noise, technology, etc...  Do you have a place that is just for you?  We've all seen:
My life...haven't gone to the restroom alone in almost 3 years.
There's no where for just you!  Well, your master suite should be!  When you have a party, where does all of the extra stuff end up? The stuff that doesn't have a "home". In your bedroom. You should have rules about keeping the junk and unnecessaries out of it! 
Well, here are a few tips to creating a Zen-like feeling in your room...  Of course you want your room to be personalized.  However, if you collect dishes or shoes or little figurines, your master bedroom shouldn't be the place you show that off.  Declare your room a knick-knack free area!  Zen works really well with contemporary furnishings, low profile, minimalistic.  To bring in that Zen feeling, bring in nature.  You want to use natural elements:  wood, rocks, metal, water, light.  Natural light brightens the room, and pumps up your energy level, rejuvenates you for what you are going to face outside of your personal retreat!  Bring in some plants, something alive! 
I suggest finding a photograph that represents peace and relaxation for you, and build your design off of that!  Easiest fix, paint your walls, bring in a color from your photo.  Have throw pillows on your bed, but don't overflow it with pillows!  The key is to keep everything in moderation!  Nice, light-weight fabric, whether just by appearance, or really light-weight will help to lighten the room, which will lighten you!
Now, grab your favorite book, put on your most comfy clothes, light some candles and enjoy your moment!  It may not last long, but it'll be waiting for your next moment!

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